Tribute Gifts

Honor Your Loved One by Donating to Prism

Honoring a loved one or celebrating a special occasion can be a powerful way to show your support for LGBTQ+ youth in southwest Alabama. Prism United offers the opportunity to make a tribute gift in the name of someone you cherish. Whether it’s a birthday, anniversary, graduation, or any significant milestone, a tribute gift can make a lasting impact. 

How it Works:

  • Select the Occasion: Choose an occasion to celebrate or honor a loved one.
  • Make a Gift: Make a donation in your loved one’s name, and they’ll receive a personalized acknowledgment, a shout on social media, or your preferred method of notification.
  • Support Our Mission: Your tribute gift directly supports our programs and initiatives.
  • Celebrate Together: Share the impact of your gift with your loved one, knowing that you’ve contributed to a more inclusive and accepting community for LGBTQ+ youth.

After you complete a tribute donation, we will inform the designated representative about the contribution you’ve made in their honor. For additional information, contact Rachel McMullen at [email protected]