Memorial Gifts

Remember Your Loved One by Donating to Prism

Remember a loved one and honor their memory by making a memorial gift to Prism United. Memorial gifts help us continue our work in support of LGBTQ+ youth and ensure that their lives are celebrated and remembered in a way that creates a lasting impact.

How it Works:

  • Make a Gift: Donate in memory of your loved one.
  • Share Their Story: Include a brief message or story about the person you’re honoring.
  • Support Our Cause: Your memorial gift directly benefits our programs and initiatives.
  • Celebrate Their Legacy: Ensure that the memory of your loved one lives on by helping us create a more inclusive community for LGBTQ+ youth.

After you complete a memorial donation, we will inform the designated representative about the contribution you’ve made in honor of their loved one. For additional information, contact Rachel McMullen at [email protected].

If you would like to make a gift in honor of someone (birthday, graduation, etc.), please visit us here.